Our Doula Services

It's hard for me to find the words to express how grateful I am that I found Giuditta.
From the early days of my pregnancy to the birth of my son, and through my postpartum journey she has been an incredible support.I really often wonder what my experience would have been like if I hadn't had her.
I would single handedly credit HER with making my birth experience one that I dreamed of. She had the most incredible techniques through labor that moved my son down and out in record time, and looking back I feel that my birth was painless. I only think of the experience with the fondest of memories and it makes me well up with joy just thinking about it. I had a hospital birth at St. John and she was with me both laboring at home and then the final short time in the hospital. I had very minor medical intervention and I truly believe that without her this would not have been the case. I'll never forget playing tug-of-war with a hospital sheet with her to help me focus my pushing efforts. She's just a miracle worker and that's an understatement.
Her services are truly something I'll cherish forever.