This Mp3 download has been designed to help you prepare mentally and emotionally for the birthing experience you desire. Giuditta's combines her 18 years experience as a doula and a hypnotherapist to create a relaxing self-hypnosis recording that can accompany you from home to the birthing center, allowing you to visualize a peacefull and painless childbirth.
Here's what moms have said about our recording
"We are in Bowling Green, KY and I found your website online. I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful Painless Childbirth CD. It was a godsend during my 42 hour unmedicated natural labor. My husband and I listened to the cd on a loop for the last 10 hours of labor during the most intense part. The cd was able to relax me and keep me focused. I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy (Noah Patrick Witty) on May 8th 2007 at 2:11pm. He was 7lbs 13ozs and 21 in long. I attached a few pics of him. Thanks again! I really felt like you were there with us in the delivery room helping to coach me along. My husband, I, and baby Noah love you! His color was wonderful at birth - he looked the same the day of birth as the next day and the next. He was also holding his head up on his own for several seconds the night he was born due to the fact we didn't have any drugs. Alisha Witty of Bowling Green KY"
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